Beautifully maintained grounds, thoughtful planting and a natural border with the historic Grand Canal make Park West one of the most attractive business locations in the city.
The Green Route, an 8.5km pedestrian and cycle path, offers an alternative mode of transport for commuters and leisure users. Fishing points, boating and berthing areas and seats encourage access to the Grand Canal, and information signage dots the route, outlining the history and details of the flora and fauna.
Here’s a fun fact: we’ve installed bat roosting boxes and created underground holts to provide shelter and breeding opportunities for otters!
Art at Park West
We’ve used nature to craft a captivating environment for people, at work and play. But we wanted to give our tenants and residents something that would also stimulate their creativity. Come to Park West and you’ll see a stunning collection of public sculpture from some of the contemporary art world’s most talented artists, including Angela Conner, Orla diBri, Lloyd De Blanc and Patricia Jorgensen.
Want to find out more about the art on display at Park West? Download our art catalogue (PDF, 594kb) .